Descrição do Produto

My Journey collection takes the students to several and precious stories offering different and communicative approaches. The collection and its linguistic and educational characteristics aim to introduce and apply techniques which will contribute to the students' ethical, social and cultural development. The Vision Book focuses the use of the four skills through interactive situations, introducing basic vocabulary, real experiences, true dialogues, texts and cultural aspects to make teaching come alive.   My Journey Supplementary Components: Book and CD. Workbook and CD: additional exercises. Teacher's Manual and Answer Key: offers general ideas for teaching, approaches and strategies. Complete Program: MY JOURNEY VISION - BASIC My Journey Focus - Intermediate My Journey Interaction - High Intermediate.


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My Journey Book 1

Cód. 11-399

AUTOR: Marcia Peregini/Ana Maria dos Santos

FORMATO: 210 x 280 mm

ISBN: 978-85-371-0246-6

192 páginas

PESO: 610 g

1ª edição

* o valor pode variar de acordo com as opções selecionadas abaixo
* a partir de: R$ 268,50

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1 Unit.R$ 268,50
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