Descrição do Produto

Speaking a language like English has more and more interested teenagers, since it makes it possible to communicate between people of different nationalities, providing culture, travel and studies. The 4Teens collection provides enjoyable lessons, stimulating reasoning and creativity. For the learning of the English language to be well exercised, everyday matters are used and the promotion of interdisciplinarity. Its methodology is interactive, focused on young people, leading them to the understanding of the activities and texts offered. The intention is to develop the capacity of students in order to build ethical and social citizens.


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4Teens Book 2

Cód. 15-423

AUTOR: Márcia Peregini/Dalcimary Pavani

FORMATO: 210 x 280 mm

ISBN: 978-85-371-0387-6

160 páginas

PESO: 300 g

1ª edição

* o valor pode variar de acordo com as opções selecionadas abaixo
* a partir de: R$ 271,00

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